29 Mar Beat The Summer – Tips to keep your home Cool
- Blinds/Curtains: Use blackout curtains and keep them closed from late morning till early evening.
- Facilitate cross ventilation: When building a home, construct windows on opposite walls for flushing out the hot air.
- Plant shade: If possible plant trees on the east and west-facing windows to keep the direct sunlight out. Potted plants in the balcony or window sill will help to humidify the air.
- Insulate the doors and windows: Check for drafts near the windows and closed doors and cover them to trap the cool air in when AC is on.
- Get a cool roof: Covering the roof with white tile that has anti- heat-reflective glazing ensures that maximum heat is reflected and not absorbed through the roof into your home. They can also be applied to the external façade cladding to further reduce heat absorption.
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